Destiny's Child - This is the Remix
This Is The Remix
Destiny's Child
Columbia / Sony
Ranking 3/10

Following very closely on the heels of J. Lo's very impressive remix album, comes a much weaker remix effort from Destiny's Child.

This album includes remixes of many of their smash hits, including 'No, No, No Part 2', 'Bootylicious', 'Say My Name', 'Survivor', 'Jumpin, Jumpin', 'Bills, Bills, Bills', 'Bug a Boo', and 'Independent Women.' However, several of these tracks are simply extended versions of the original songs, and thus lack a true remix feel.

Overall, I was quite disappointed with this album. Admittedly, I am a fan of Destiny's Child's "non male-bashing" material, because they are very skilled R&B singers. However, this album simply drums up old hits and adds very little flair to the remixes. I would only suggest picking up this album if you are a die-hard Destiny's Child fan.

Click here to buy the album or read CDNow's album review.

(Originally posted on

This review was written March 25, 2002